RE: Invitation to Rapid Gender Analysis Course

Invitation to Rapid Gender Analysis Course


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Course Date Duration Location Registration
16/10/2023 To 03/11/2023 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
06/11/2023 To 24/11/2023 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
04/12/2023 To 22/12/2023 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
15/01/2024 To 02/02/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
05/02/2024 To 23/02/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
04/03/2024 To 22/03/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
08/04/2024 To 26/04/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
06/05/2024 To 24/05/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
03/06/2024 To 21/06/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
08/07/2024 To 26/07/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
05/08/2024 To 23/08/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
02/09/2024 To 20/09/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
07/10/2024 To 25/10/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
04/11/2024 To 22/11/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya
02/12/2024 To 20/12/2024 15 Days Nairobi Kenya


In a world where gender disparities persist in both developed and developing societies, the need for a comprehensive understanding of gender dynamics and the ability to conduct rapid gender analyses is paramount. The Rapid Gender Analysis course is designed to equip individuals and organizations with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to swiftly and effectively assess and address gender-related issues across various contexts. Gender analysis is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic necessity for achieving sustainable development, promoting social inclusion, and responding to humanitarian crises. This course serves as a vital stepping stone in the journey toward creating more equitable and just societies by ensuring that the specific needs and perspectives of all genders are considered and integrated into policies, programs, and projects.

Course participants will embark on a transformative learning journey, delving deep into the complexities of gender dynamics, societal expectations, power structures, and the multifaceted ways in which gender intersects with other facets of identity, such as age, disability, and sexuality. They will gain a profound understanding of the importance of gender analysis in development and humanitarian contexts, learning to recognize that gender inequalities not only hinder progress but also often exacerbate vulnerabilities in times of crisis. Through this course, participants will become equipped to break down traditional stereotypes, challenge biases, and advocate for change within their organizations and communities, thereby contributing to a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous world.

The Rapid Gender Analysis course is not merely an academic pursuit; it is a practical guide for action. Participants will acquire a robust toolkit of gender analysis methodologies, research techniques, and advocacy strategies, enabling them to conduct meaningful assessments, implement gender-responsive interventions, and influence policies and programs at local, national, and international levels. The course will empower individuals and organizations to foster environments where the unique needs, voices, and contributions of all genders are not just acknowledged but celebrated. By engaging with this course, participants embark on a transformative journey towards a more inclusive, gender-equitable, and socially just world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


Course Objective:

The primary objective of the Rapid Gender Analysis course is to empower participants with the tools and expertise needed to conduct rapid and insightful gender analyses. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts and theories of gender.
  2. Conduct gender analyses tailored to various contexts, including emergencies and development programs.
  3. Identify gender-based vulnerabilities and opportunities.
  4. Develop gender-responsive strategies and interventions.
  5. Advocate for and contribute to gender equality within their organizations and communities.

Organizational Benefits:

 Participating organizations can expect numerous benefits from this course, including:

  1. Strengthened capacity to integrate gender considerations into policies, programs, and projects.
  2. Improved responsiveness to the unique needs and experiences of diverse genders.
  3. Enhanced reputation as organizations committed to gender equality and social inclusion.
  4. Increased effectiveness in achieving development and humanitarian goals.
  5. Better alignment with gender-sensitive donor requirements and expectations.

Target Participants:

This course is suitable for a wide range of professionals and organizations, including, but not limited to:

  1. Program Managers and Directors
  2. Gender Specialists
  3. Policy Analysts
  4. Development Practitioners
  5. Humanitarian Workers
  6. Government Officials
  7. NGO and INGO Staff
  8. Researchers and Analysts
  9. Advocacy and Campaigning Professionals

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Gender Analysis

  • Understanding the core concepts of gender
  • The significance of gender analysis in development and humanitarian work

Module 2: Gender Theories and Frameworks

  • Key gender theories and frameworks
  • Applying feminist perspectives to analysis

Module 3: Gender Data Collection and Research Methods

  • Qualitative and quantitative research techniques
  • Ethical considerations in gender research

Module 4: Gender Mainstreaming Strategies

  • Integrating gender into organizational policies and programs
  • Gender-responsive planning and budgeting

Module 5: Gender Roles, Identities, and Stereotypes

  • Examining societal expectations and roles
  • The impact of gender identities and stereotypes

Module 6: Power, Decision-Making, and Leadership

  • Analyzing power dynamics and decision-making processes
  • Strategies for enhancing gender-inclusive leadership

Module 7: Gender-Based Violence and Safe Spaces

  • Understanding and addressing different forms of gender-based violence
  • Creating safe spaces and support systems

Module 8: Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods

  • Economic disparities and opportunities for different genders
  • Promoting economic empowerment through skills and access

Module 9: Health and Reproductive Rights

  • Gender disparities in health outcomes and access
  • Ensuring reproductive rights and health services

Module 10: Education and Skill Development

  • Gender gaps in education and skills training
  • Strategies for inclusive education and training programs

Module 11: Conflict, Peace, and Security

  • Gender dynamics in conflict and post-conflict contexts
  • Promoting gender-responsive peacebuilding and security

Module 12: Humanitarian Response and Gender

  • Gender considerations in emergency response
  • Mainstreaming gender in humanitarian programming

Module 13: Monitoring and Evaluation with a Gender Lens

  • Gender-sensitive indicators and data collection
  • Evaluating the impact of gender-responsive programs

Module 14: Advocacy for Gender Equality

  • Strategies for effective gender advocacy and policy change
  • Influencing gender-responsive policies and institutions

Module 15: Gender and Environmental Sustainability

  • Exploring the intersection of gender and the environment
  • Strategies for gender-inclusive sustainable development

Module 16: Gender and Technology

  • Gender disparities in access to and use of technology
  • Promoting digital inclusion and addressing online gender-based violence

Module 17: Gender and Migration

  • Analyzing gender dynamics in migration patterns
  • Addressing the unique needs of migrant populations

Module 18: Gender and Governance

  • Gender representation in governance structures
  • Promoting gender-responsive governance

Module 19: Gender and Urbanization

  • Gender considerations in urban planning and development
  • Creating gender-inclusive cities and communities

Module 20: Gender and Disability

  • Intersectionality of gender and disability
  • Ensuring the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities

Module 21: Indigenous Knowledge and Gender

  • Exploring indigenous perspectives on gender
  • Collaborating with indigenous communities on gender equality initiatives

Module 22: Gender and Aging

  • Gender disparities in aging populations
  • Addressing the specific needs of older women and men

Module 23: Gender and LGBTQ+ Rights

  • Understanding LGBTQ+ rights and experiences
  • Promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality

Module 24: Gender and Media

  • Media representation and its impact on gender norms
  • Strategies for promoting gender-sensitive media

Module 25: Gender and Business

  • Gender disparities in the corporate sector
  • Advancing gender equality in business and entrepreneurship

Module 26: Gender and Agriculture

  • Gender roles in agriculture and food security
  • Empowering women in agricultural practices

Module 27: Gender and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Gender dimensions of WASH access and management
  • Ensuring gender-inclusive WASH interventions

Module 28: Gender and Climate Change

  • Gender vulnerabilities and resilience in the face of climate change
  • Gender-responsive climate adaptation and mitigation strategies

Module 29: Gender and Ethics

  • Ethical considerations in gender analysis and programming
  • Promoting ethical leadership for gender equality

Module 30: Action Planning and Implementation

  • Developing and executing gender-responsive action plans
  • Applying gender analysis skills to real-world scenarios

General Notes

  • All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants' needs
  • The participant must be conversant in English
  • Presentations are well-guided, practical exercises, web-based tutorials, and group work. Our facilitators are experts with more than 10 years of experience.
  • Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with a Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)
  • Training will be done at the Foscore development center (FDC-K) centers. We also offer inhouse and online training on the client schedule
  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.
  • The course fee for onsite training includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, a buffet lunch, and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance, and other personal expenses.
  • Accommodation, pickup, freight booking, and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.
  • Tablet and Laptops are provided to participants on request as an add-on cost to the training fee.
  • One-year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.
  • Register as a group of more than two and enjoy a discount of (10% to 50%)
  • Payment should be done before commence of the training or as agreed by the parties, to the FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us to prepare better for you.
  • For any inquiries reach us at or +254712260031





Other Upcoming Workshops Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Dubai


Our references 

We have offered services to over 3000 leading organisations across the world, including INGOs, NGOs, Private companies and Government Institutions.   List of Clients by Country



      Empiris Creative Communication Limited 

      International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Kenya 

      Kaimosi Friends University College

      Ministry of Water


      Send a Cow

      East Africa Development Bank



      Rwanda University 

      Ultimate Developers Limited 

      Broadband System Corporation 




      Victims Support Fund Nigeria 

      Central Bank of Nigeria 

      Kano State Goverment

United State of America (USA)




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 






Caritas Austria





      Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 

      SOS ’Children’s Villages International, Somalia

      Central Bank of Somalia





National Aid Council 

Asset Declaration Commission



      Uganda Communication Commission 

      The Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) 

      The Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) 

      Uganda Management Institute 

      Inter-University Council for East Africa 

      Bank of Uganda

      Parliament of Uganda


·         Worldvison 

·         GIZ Ethiopia

·                     Save the Children, Ethiopia




Ministry of Agriculture





Centre for Disease Control  


South Sudan


United Nation




Our Group Rates

The registration cost is indicated in every course for online and onsite trainings find the group rate discount below:

Group Size

Discount Rate for Group











21> Above
